Friday, July 16, 2010

Do People Use Their Brains? Really???

It's mind-boggling at times to see some of the dumb things I do. I mean, these are things that not only I see but everyone else does too. Kind of makes me wonder which rock some of these people climbed out from underneath, ala Patrick Starfish.

Some of these things make me mad, others sicken me, a lot disgust me, and even more have me scratch my head and ask, "What the hell are they doing???"

I know there are millions of dumbass things people do daily and I'm sure that if someone watched me long enough they'd see me have a dumbass attack or two in a very short time period. The good thing is, I try to avoid those moments for embarrassment sake. Yet they still happen, regardless how hard I try to avoid them. Stupidity? Not necessarily, just a lack of good judgment or forethought.

Like this one; pulled in to the gas station (no, not White Castle) for some Mt. Dew this morning before coming to work. I turned to get back in my truck and saw a guy sitting in his car at the pump, with the driver's door open smoking a cigarette. All the while the pump is running and pumping fuel in to his car. All I could do is high tail it out of there and wonder how such stupid people are still alive.

About a week ago I was leaving the grocery store and I spied a woman picking her nose only to look at her newly found treasure before she so kindly discarded it on the handle of a shopping cart. I can remember #3 putting her mouth on those handles not too long ago.

I passed an SUV this morning coming to work with one of those spare tire donuts. The same dinky tires that say, "Do Not Go Over 50 MPH." The lady was doing 75. I know a guy who at one time had 3 of these tires on his car at one time. He made 1/2 again more than I did yet he didn't want to spend the money to buy new tires. He lived 50 miles from where we worked and drove like that for over 3 months. Several of us shamed him in to buying new tires when we took up a collection to buy him some. We ended up using the money on ribs instead and celebrated his new purchase.

I'm sure there are many more dumbass things people do and I'm guilty of a lot of them myself. At least I'll admit some of the stupid things I do are wrong and at least make a half-hearted attempt to hide them or keep them from public view. Well, I try but sometimes fail miserably. So until my next dumbass attack,...

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