Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Oh, Puleeeeeeez,....

At times I have to laugh and scoff at some of the posts I see on the internet. Online forums, chat rooms, or just comments left from a particular story floor me. The one thing that a lot of people like about arenas like that is that usually they're one-sided. They cannot be stopped mid sentence for clarification or to just shut them up.

People make half-hearted and usually half-thought out comments about things they know nothing about. Kind of like someone stating what they WANT to be the truth or fact (s). Oft times those perceived facts are wrong. No research, no investigation, no nothing. They only want to make themselves heard, right or wrong. Drives me nuts.

Ever get one of those phishing emails? Ever see one of those emails forwarded to everyone and their brother saying, "I read it on the drudge report (or wherever),..?" My brother is one of those who started me checking on them. I'll get these emails and I'll try to track down the source or the subject source to see if the email or story is fact or fiction. I've done it about a dozen times and every single time the email or story is incorrect. It's fiction. It's made up by someone who wanted to start a rumor. It could be just someone who's out to pick a fight and cause a lot of headaches for who they wrote about.

I wish I could tell people who leave comments on stories, message boards, forums, or wherever that they need to look at the facts BEFORE they comment so blindly and stupidly. A lot of these people do this and hide their names. Why is that? Do they know they're incorrect? Do they know they're wrong and haven't bothered to do a little digging? Or is it just being blinded by the truth, the truth they so much want to be wrong? When I see comments like that I always wonder if it would be better served to leave a comment in rebuttal or leave it alone with the thought that, "nobody else commented because they too know it's incorrect and the author's an idiot." Or would the author think, "Ha! Nobody's commented because they know I'm right!"

Freedom of speech ought to be modified to be something like "freedom of speech for those who have a brain that actually gets used."

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