Thursday, November 19, 2009

The Economy

i used to think it odd when i'd come home my dad would say, "alan's getting ready to speak." little did i know that "alan" helped rule the economy of most of the world. cnbc was always on at the house. everyone would talk about "alan" before he spoke, after he spoke, and then talked to everyone else about what they thought or what their interpretations were of what he said. when "alan" spoke, the world listened.

i wonder how many people wish that "alan" was back in office.

all i have to do now is walk around a couple towns and see the sights of people not working. the unemployment offices are busy, the doles are huge, the lists of people wanting to work but can't are just as long. people need to work. people want to work. i know the classifieds show lots of jobs but i've been told recently that people are "too qualified" of "over qualified" for jobs they're applying for, so they get turned down.

sad when people want to work but can't because they have too much brain power or experience. guess those who are doing the hiring are worried that their jobs will be taken by the ones they hire with too much qualification.

by the way, i loved this movie. thought spacey was killer. he had a "screw it" attitude and that's what i'd like to see more people have in the world.

all the stimulus money's beginning to go out. yet even with the money being filtered to states and localities, how many jobs are actually being created? are they permanent or temporary? are they providing a useful purpose and contributing to the economy or is it someone hoarding money and padding numbers?

around me i see a lot of road work going on; roadwork for the state which doesn't need to be done. yet i've read and been told that they needed to get this money spent on projects that were "shovel ready," and not in design stages. almost like seasonal work that could begin on a moment's notice and be done just as quickly.

i go to work and talk to people who have their brothers and sisters on "the bench" at the local union halls. granted, i'm not a fan of unions but the bigger picture i see is people not working. thousands and thousands of them across the country not working. they want to work. they have to work. lots of them have bills and families to support and without work they have nothing. some halls provide pensions and plans but others do not.

i see a lot of people who are working but many more who are not. it's not just the halls. it's everywhere. when is this stimulus money going to tricle down to everyone else? i haven't seen a raise in 3 years. my company stopped giving a bonus to its employees. our insurance rates have been jacked up,... again. gas prices are higher. food prices are higher.

the stock market's going back up but those who have money are playing in it. i would but i'm without money to do it. all i can do is my wimpy 401k that got raped by the economy the last couple years. can i get it back? nope. it's my pension, if you will, and i lost a ton. many more lost everything. i guess i'm one of the lucky ones.

i'll be blunt; this shit needs to change. nobody inherited this problem. we have it and it needs to be fixed. i realize that everyone can't be pleased all the time but we all need some help. $400 or $250 one time won't do dick. it's the cost of a good night out or a couple dinners for wife and kids. so while our government pays out billions to auto companies, banks, and insurance companies, the residents of the USA are getting screwed. that money should be going to us, to help prop us up, to put US back to work. bad thing is, they gave out all that money. it has to be repaid back. by who? US

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