Monday, November 23, 2009


i've seen a lot of of the older sports games where the protective equipment wasn't as good as it is today (go figure) or just non-existent. take for example the helmets in football. for a while they were leather. i think before that there weren't any. put that in to perspective in today's football games and you wind up with a lot of hurt people.

same goes for shoulder pads, gloves, neck braces, mouth guards, and anything else that wasn't then that is now. i know that a lot of the players today are larger, more physical, and hit a hell of a lot harder. just watched a game yesterday that had some hellacious hits. this is like people doing 360 degree spins in the air, their heads being jolted backwards, a guy got his leg under a couple guys and broke both his tibia and fibula (lower leg boes), things like that. a lot of bells have been rung. guys having 1, 2, or more concussions in a year. it's almost like boxing and the physical torture those guys take on an every fight basis.

baseball is no different. it used to be just hats. now guys are wearing full face shields to protect themselves. 90+ mph fastballs hitting guys in the face and breaking bones, line drives doing the same thing. i can remember as a kid getting hit right in the middle of the chest during an all star game. it hurt but it wasn't too bad. i got up and continued. wonder how i'd feel if i got hit with a 90 mph fastball in the middle of the chest!

more and more people, kids included, are wearing a lot more protective equipment to help stave off injuries. bigger people are playing, they're more aggressive and physical, and the injuries give longer rehab times just because they're a lot more damaging than they used to be. i worry about kids playing in sports just because of the injuries they can easily suffer.

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