Thursday, November 19, 2009

Moose Stew

was that what she liked? yummy. reminds me of scrapple, heart, tongue, and all the other wonderful things that we used to eat as kids. eh, guess i never thought too highly of some of the other things i've seen and eaten in my worldly travels.

ms. palin's making her book rounds presently. think she started up in michigan yesterday and is now in indiana. cbs news said last night that she wasn't hitting any major metro areas. i find that odd and curious why she isn't. maybe she has enough of a following in the outskirts that she wanted to boost that rating up a couple points.

i saw the lines of people waiting to see her, get their wristbands, buy her book, and get a chance to see the hottest "ex" governor of the coldest state. one woman interviewed stated she was "so inspired by her that when i turn 18 i'm going to register to vote democrat." thought that was pretty damned witty for a 17 year old.

i remember when i was a kid how if i went "rogue," i'd get my ass whooped. my thoughts and opinions usually stayed between myself and my pals.

more and more people are wondering if she'll make a run for the big chair in the next election. i'd almost put that in the same breath as having bart simpson as a principal in springfield elementary. not a whole hell of a lot of experience trying to lead a nation of job hungry people, and one with the world's largest economy. nah, not a good choice for me. i can just picture her list of advisors and who they'd be. her husband would undoubtedly be the secretary of energy since he worked on the north slope for bp in the oil patch, meghann mccain would be the press secretary, and ross perot would be the secretary of the treasury.

it's sad the way politics have changed over the decades and generations. more and more arenas are being ruined by politics. "i'll scratch your back, you scratch mine" is heard a lot. i've heard it recently in the small town i live in. a lot of "good old boys" are around and they know who they like and dislike. there are ways to manipulate what you want, how you want it, and how you get it or get it done and there are masters of all of those traits. i'm pretty good at them myself yet i have learned to not use them for my personal advantage; i use them (no bullshit) for bettering others and what they do.

if ms. palin runs for and is elected to the hot seat i think it would tell the rest of the world that our country is grasping for something, ANYTHING, that they can to make things better. this hogwash about her being a normal "hockey mom" is crap. she's learned very quickly how to play in the political arena. she's young, attractive, has a good looking family, comes from a blue collar family, and rose to the top using those ideals. she's used those things to her advantage to get what she wanted. i still don't quite understand john mccain's choice in her as a running mate with such limited, if any, experience in big time politics. just seemed really, really, strange.

i'd almost say that tina fey impersonating ms. palin could do a better job as president. she knows how to joke around as it's her job. she's an actress. if she doesn't know the answer she can either baffle with bullshit or simply not answer a questions. when katie couric interviewed ms. palin a while back it was funny to see how she answered, or didn't answer, direct questions about certain foreign policies, programs, and national concerns simply because she didn't know. she had no experience. she had not formed her own opinions and was answering based upon what limited knowledge she had of john mccain's ideals and goals. sad, truly sad. and to think that that may be our commander in chiefette? oh my Lord, what will happen to us then? third world countries will begin looking at us the way we look at them.

i just hope that when people do go to the polls and vote they do it with their brains. too many people vote for who they want, not for who's the best for the job. i see it all the time with local smaller elections. the promises, the "pal factor," the back scratching, the whatever it's called. too many people still vote a straight ticket just because they're staunch republicans or democrats. sad that they can't form their own opinions and vote on who they want instead of following party lines and live with making one or two bad choices just to keep several more in power that they want. ultimately it's those one or two bad choices that could be the death knell for us all.

think for yourself when you vote. make a wise educated decision before you vote. use your brain and see what needs to be seen and ask questions. get the answers before a vote is cast. protect yourself by who you vote for. and yes, one vote does make a difference. it's those "one votes" that add up to thousands.

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